Any man regardless of whether he sees himself as straight or gay or something else can become aroused sexually by the digital images that I have created since 2007. When I explain how male erotic cruelty releases your juices I am passing along direct wisdom after many men have emailed or texted or spoken with me about spanning several decades.

The wild image I created feature several male characters depicts sex slaves on display who are held in captivity against their will. Their wrists are bound behind their backs which ensures their utter vulnerability and defenselessness. If it were necessary to predict what happens next in this scene, most men would agree that the sex slaves are all going to get fucked.

Another image of mind shows male combat culture during armed conflict. The mercilessly bound military prisoner has good reason to wonder whether his manhood will survive the next few minutes.

I created this sequential art (as in comics) to explores stealing a man’s juices against his will.

In this compelling scene I created a classic imbalance of power showing seven men overtaking one. There is little chance the doomed man will escape the brutal gang rape he knows is his fate. He will learn many things about multiple men and their juices by the time this experience for him has ended.
My Power to Make a Man Shoot His Load
I once attended an artists and cartoonists convention in San Francisco during which one of my fellow visual artists spoke about a “special power” some of us fellow artists have. He explained that some of us artists have the power to make a man shoot his load even though we are not present with him while he does so. This power to make a man cum releasing his juices even though I am not there with him is one that I do not take casually. A man deserves ownership of his own body and full control over whether he chooses to release his juices. I honestly am sincerely grateful to any man who looks at my visual works, becomes aroused sexually during the viewing experience, and then brings himself to orgasm.Helping Men Orgasm since 2007Some gay men have said that they especially like how I depict men so realistically. Others not so much. I get emails and other messages from guys who obviously “get” what I’m trying to do. They sometimes spell out that the like to reach orgasm through experiencing my creative works. Other times they are more nuanced: “Never have I been so aroused. I always feared to delve into my darkest fantasies but with you, I feel supported and understood. Your stories are a perfect blend of light and shadow, to put it in very simplistic terms. I confess that what also arouses me is a detail that most would find insignificant but which holds tremendous eroticism. Curled toes. That’s a soft spot of mine. I associate it with violent orgasms, when pleasure wracks the body, makes it convulse and twist right down to its toes. Thank you for your amazing work and your willingness to share it with us. I do hope to see more and more of it and praise you for your lack of fear regarding a subject most would not dare to broach.”Another typical email comment is this one: “I’ve loved your artwork for years, it’s so incredibly erotic, taboo and stimulating.” And this response… Just to tell you: THANK YOU for fueling my imagination and titillating my fantasies with your drawings and staging! In one of the last posts on your blog you wonder if your readers ejaculate when discovering your creations. Well, I must say that your works systematically make my precum flow abundantly, and I rarely resist for long before jerking off and cumming while watching and reading them – especially when you talk about castration (I then imagine myself tied up and in danger). Nothing shocks me as long as it remains fantasy and fiction. On the contrary, what you create makes me very hard and stimulates my imagination when I fuck my guy, so thank you again for all the pleasure that your talent arouses! |