How to Create Digital and AI Art

Digital Art Instruction:
How I Make a Man

Discover HOW it is possible for me to create photorealistic male characters for storytelling. I do not hold anything back and share everything you need to know (in a short video — under 12 minutes running time) about how I make a man who is a 3D digital male character:

I hope you will accept the reality that merely acquiring a device and apps is not going to enable you to produce visual works of credibility. Getting a basketball won’t make you an athlete who is ready for the NBA. Getting a word processing app won’t make you a best-selling writer. The same holds true about using devices and apps for producing digital and AI illustrations.

You must be born with specific talents relative to all others so you may succeed at a professional level in any endeavor that requires sharp coordination between your brain, your eyes, and your hands. That is simply one of the rules of life that cannot be altered merely by wishing something else were true.

Required Talents for Producing Digital and AI Images:

  • Aesthetic: create visually appealing shapes, colors, lighting, stage and cinematographic composition in a scene produced using an app
  • Narrative: conceive of fictional characters who demonstrate behaviors and experiences that will be credible to audiences
  • Technical: translate what’s in your mind through your fingers onto a computer screen using app

Watch a short Madeira Desouza video to learn more:


It may be beneficial for you to learn tactics and techniques in creating digital or AI images through classroom or online instruction or training. You do not need to earn a degree, however, to produce digital or AI images. You can boost your skills if you can observe and emulate best practices of people whose works you respect and who may have influenced you. See this links page at this website to identify digital artists you may want to consider as role models your own digital art.

Discover Much More — A Second Short Video:


AI Images:

AI image
If you want to learn how to create AI images, absolutely essential is that you first need to master how to write prompts which use text as the basis for generating any AI images regardless of which AI platform you use.