rode hard and put away wet featured image
Posted in illustrated stories Posts

Rode Hard and Put Away Wet

He thought he could defend himself but his thinking was completely faulty. Sure he came across as big and manly. That much was obvious to everyone. But without clothes as he stood in front of the entire gang who pointed several cameras at him as they taunted him, it was…

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look of fear in young men's eyes
Posted in Posts Queer Art

Muscular Guys Nude in Trouble

It’s quite important to approach the topic of muscular guys nude in trouble with sensitivity and respect for individual privacy and boundaries. This we all know because we are civilized. Muscular guys nude who are in danger or peril can be essentially helpless and defenseless. Such men who are in…

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Alternative to politically-correct, plain vanilla, gay adult male erotic stories Here you will find storytelling about characters and situations of men hurting men exclusively for men who are attracted to men. This falls within the category of masculine male art. You also will find narrated audio stories, text stories, and…

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ukrainian fantasy
Posted in 3D Digital Male Art illustrated stories Queer Art

Russian Soldier Captured, Tortured and Fucked in Ukraine

It’s easy in Ukraine to discover how the revenge against the Russians involves capture, torture and fucking of the invading soldiers.

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Posted in 3D Digital Male Art illustrated stories Queer Art

Unlucky Cowboy Gets Fucked

The young cowboy rode from one town to the next, never knowing what to expect. The first person he encountered when he arrived in town for the first time after many weeks of riding alone was a saloon keeper. As he stood at the bar he accepted the proprietor’s kind…

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Also see Men Hurting Men is Its Own Reward. Years ago, there was one website that stood alone in its coverage of the theme of men hurting men. The brand name was Katharsis. The now-legendary site is gone but will be remembered for presenting stunning images of men hurting men (as…

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