military men featured image
Posted in 3D Digital Art Posts War and Warriors

Military Men Who Need Military Men

From a famous Broadway musical (Funny Girl) there are song lyrics by Bob Merrill that teach us “people who need people are the luckiest people in the world.” In the military world, military men who need military men are the luckiest. This is because who better than two men who…

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drowning him
Posted in 3D Digital Male Art Naked Men Pictures Queer Art

Hawaiian Guy Gets Back

2023. Explore naked men pictures in this explicit, violent horror story from the “Taboo Truths and Tales” podcast series. Its an episode named “Hawaiian Guy Gets Back.” This revenge story shows muscular naked men pictures in a Honolulu story which follows the tragedy of a father whose young son is…

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hot tub action
Posted in 3D Digital Male Art Queer Art


2023. Touching a man (and much more) in a hot tub. The act of men touching other men can often be perceived as displaying intimacy or homosexuality, especially in cultures where physical touch between men is stigmatized or frowned upon. Men can use physical touch to convey their masculinity and…

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faces of men
Posted in 3D Digital Male Art Queer Art

Gay Artist Origins

I am a gay artist. In 2007 I started creating 3D gay erotic art and have been continuing in this pursuit continuously since then. Here is a collection of my works spanning a decade and a half. These images pinpoint the origins of all that I create in the present…

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